Are you a longist?
David David

Are you a longist?

In a world where the ticking of the clock is both a reminder of our mortality and a call to action, the concept of being a “longist" has never been more relevant.

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Sweetened Snares
David David

Sweetened Snares

In our daily dance between habit and health, sugary drinks play a leading role with a deceptive cost. Each seemingly innocent sip carries a weight, potentially stripping away months, even years, from our lives. Discover how these sweet temptations can subtract precious time from our life's narrative and learn how empowering choices can rewrite our story toward longevity.

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The Sugar Chronicles
David David

The Sugar Chronicles

Dive into the revealing narrative of how sugar, once a sign of wealth, now shapes our health and longevity. This article spotlights global sugar consumption patterns and their correlation with a spectrum of health issues, challenging us to rethink our sweet indulgences for the sake of a healthier, longer future.

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